BABYBJÖRN - Baby Carrier Move - Anthracite, 3D Mesh
- The BABYBJORN MOVE baby carrier is suitable for children from birth to 15 months of age. Easy to use, soft and extremely comfortable. Soft, airy mesh and the ability to carry the child facing the parent or the surroundings.
BabyBjörn Move baby carrier – easy to use, soft and extremely comfortable
The Move baby carrier is a practical solution for every parent. You will appreciate its unique advantages not only during a short outing with your baby, but also during longer walks. Built-in support for the parent's back, ergonomic hip belt and wide shoulder straps with padding ensure proper distribution of the child's weight. Soft, airy 3D Mesh fabric prevents your baby from overheating and sweating.
Putting on and taking off the carrier yourself is extremely simple and only takes a moment. Thanks to the adjustment of the panel, the position of the legs and the head support, the child receives the right position and - most importantly - is comfortable.
BabyBjörn Move baby carrier:
- For children from birth to 15 months of age (minimum weight 3.2 kg, maximum 12 kg).
- ATTENTION! If you want to carry your baby facing forward, it must be able to hold its head up on its own (from the fifth month at the earliest). To safely carry a baby weighing between 3.2 kg and 4.5 kg, use the leg opening straps included in the carrier.
- Weighing from 3.2 - 12 kg
- Three baby carrying positions - Newborn, facing the parent, facing the world.
- Adjustable support for the child's head
- Ergonomic baby carrier for you and your child
- Tested and safe - The Move baby carrier complies with both the European standard EN 13209-2:2015 and the US ASTM F2236 safety standard for baby carriers.
- Care instructions - machine wash at 40°C, do not use bleach, do not tumble dry. In case of minor dirt, just wipe with a damp cloth.
- Material: 3D Mesh: 100% polyester
IHDI appreciates BabyBjörn

10 years warranty

Accessories (sold separately)
- bib for a baby carrier - white
- bib for BABYBJORN MINI/MOVE baby carrier , Jersey Light Gray
- bib for BABYBJORN MINI/MOVE baby carrier , Jersey Dark Gray
- cover for a baby carrier
- winter cover for a baby carrier, Black
- waist bag for baby carrier, Mesh, Black
- waist bag for baby carrier, Mesh, Dark Gray
- waist bag for baby carrier, Mesh, Light Beige
- waist bag for baby carrier, Mesh, Light Grey
The Move baby carrier is perfect if you are looking for an ergonomic, user-friendly and flexible carrier made of soft 3D mesh. The carrier is easy to put on and take off, and its two-piece design makes it easy to remove a sleeping baby.
The International Hip Dysplasia Institute recognizes the Move baby carrier, like all BabyBjörn baby carriers, as a hip-healthy product. This means that the baby carrier provides adequate support for the baby's hips.
Tak! Nosidełko Move jest ergonomiczne i zapewnia dziecku odpowiednie podparcie pleców, nóg i bioder. Szerokość siedziska można regulować, aby Twoje dziecko zawsze siedziało wygodnie. Naturalnie możesz także dostosować solidne podparcie głowy i szyi, aby idealnie pasowało do Twojego dziecka. Przeczytaj więcej w naszym przewodniku po nosidełkach - Nosidełka ergonomiczne BabyBjörn - wszystko co powinieneś o nich wiedzieć!
Yes! The Move baby carrier is ergonomic and provides your baby with adequate support for the back, legs and hips. The seat width can be adjusted so that your child always sits comfortably. Naturally, you can also adjust the solid head and neck support to perfectly fit your child. Read more in our guide to baby carriers - BabyBjörn ergonomic baby carriers - everything you need to know about them!
Nosidełko Move doskonale nadaje się do noszenia w pozycji przodem do świata, należy jednak pamiętać, że Twoje dziecko powinno mieć co najmniej pięć miesięcy i być w stanie samodzielnie utrzymać głowę w górze, gdy nosisz je w tej pozycji.
The Move baby carrier is perfect for forward-facing use, but please remember that your baby should be at least five months old and be able to hold his or her head up unaided when you carry him or her in this position.
No. If you are looking for a carrier to be carried on your back, Harmony carriers and One and One Air will be perfect.
We want you to feel safe when you carry your baby in the BabyBjörn carrier. That's why all BabyBjörn baby carriers have been developed in cooperation with medical specialists. The carriers are easy to use and hold your baby in an upright position that allows for free airflow, freedom of movement for the legs and arms, and good support for the neck and head. You can read more about cooperation with medical experts here.
Yes, all BabyBjörn baby carrier is very easy to clean - just machine wash at 40°C. For minor stains, a quick wipe with a damp cloth usually helps. Additionally, BabyBjörn products are free from harmful substances, so there is no need to wash them before first use.